Library Board
The public library board is a governance board that operates under the authority of the Library Act of British Columbia. Library trustees are volunteers that are elected or appointed members that establish the policies, goals and objectives of the library and advocate for the library in the greater community. The day-to-day operation of the library are the responsibility of the Library Director.
The powers of the Library Board fall into five areas:
- providing for a building to facilitate library services;
- deciding on regulations for the use of the library;
- securing money for the operation of the library;
- creating financial operations and establishing personnel policies and wage scales;
- The board hires the Chief Librarian who is responsible for administration of the library
- Chair: Lora Hunsaker
- Co-Chair: Betty Jo Tell
- Treasurer: Cathy Haase
- Director: Daisy Charlie (appointed by Board to fill the seat of Glenda Hislop)
- Director: Judy Harvey
- Director: Kathy Schamehorn
- Director: Karen MacArthur
- Director: Laurie Bunting
Board Meetings
The Board meets on the second Tuesday of every month (except July & August) meetings are open to the public.
The Annual General Meeting is in early April, watch for postings. This meeting is open to the public.
- Board Member Information: Information for Prospective Library Trustees
- Board Member Application: Board Member Application 2025
- Annual Report: 2023 Annual Report
- Granisle Public Library Policies (full version) Section 1-5, Section 6-13
- Granisle Public LIbrary – Patron Code of Conduct