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Notification of Privacy Breach

Notification of Privacy Breach

As we take our patrons’ privacy very seriously, we are informing you of a brief and minor security breach incident which occurred with our library operating system, SITKA. If you received an email or SMS notification from our library between March 27 and April 19, 2024 your email address or phone number may have been breached. No individual library information, or other identifying information such as names, addresses, content or subject lines of emails, nor information of checkouts or holds were leaked.

The BC Libraries Co-Operative that operated SITKA believes the main harm that can come from the leaking of this information is a potential increase in spam, phishing or spear phishing attacks. We have not had any reports of any issues arising from this incident yet. Please contact Granisle Library Director, Lisa Rees if you have any concerns or if you have experienced any problematic communications.

We remind our patrons that the library will NEVER ask for passwords or any other sensitive information such as banking or credit card information. If you receive any messages that appear to from the library asking for any of these things, please do not hesitate to follow up by calling us at (250) 697-2713 if you are at all unsure of its truthfulness. We are in touch with the Co-op for any updates or developments and will keep patrons informed if we receive any additional information